What Comes Around Goes Around

Track 23  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 3:19
Listen to the Song:
Playing around, covering new ground, what can you say?
Although today it may rain, I shouldn’t complain
It was nice yesterday
But when you’re treated unfairly it is hard not to care
About designing your wrath
It’s hard to be patient and wait for equation
On life’s long and lonely path

And now it is my turn to reclaim what’s mine
I have my revenge just as the count had reached nine
You thought you had me knocked out, but you were so wrong
I have my revenge by singing this song

Oh my darling I gave you unconditional love, no questions asked
I never prejudged by what you had done in your dark and secret past
They say what comes around always goes around, let’s just wait and see
Then I should be getting back alot of that love
That I wasted on you, returned to me

And now it is my turn to reclaim what’s mine
I have my revenge just as the count had reached nine
You thought you had me knocked out, but you were so wrong
I have my revenge by singing this song, swan song now

Oh my darling I gave you unconditional love, never no questions asked
I never prejudged by what you had done and I know all about your past
They say what goes around always comes around, now we shall see
Just sit back and relax while I play my last card
And pay you back for what you’ve done to me

And now it is my turn to reclaim what’s mine
I have my revenge just as the count had reached nine
You thought you had me knocked out, but you were so wrong
I have my revenge by singing this song, swan song now

Composition © 1990 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on September 22, 1990
Recorded September 1990
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: Another one of the many acoustic-driven songs written during this time, this one suffers a bit from sonic quality as well as compositional originality. It still does have a somewhat catchy hook.

Please offer your own analysis of What Comes Around Goes Around by leaving a comment in the box below.

It’s Hip To Live In Disgrace

Track 22  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:15
Listen to the Song:
Why cannot I tell you what I need to tell you?
Why cannot I sell you what I need to sell you?
I’ve been loving you for so long
But now it may be time that I’m gone
Should I stay? Should I go?

The welcoming committee came late, what a pity it’s over
Time to grab your bags, catch the train for the next small town
Just another minor setback on the way, don’t let it get you down

Why cannot I show you what I need for you to see?
Why cannot I go yet to the dawn of my destiny?
I know this feeling is not wrong
Another verse in a very long song
Of painful days, painful growth

The last of all the rebels layed down his arms in pebbles, a surrender
So I set my walking shoes on a search to find someone to replace
It’s hard to believe that it’s hip to live in disgrace

One fine day, four cold winter nights
One good pay, four black widow bites
One less setback on my way
On my way to fame and hope and love

But now I must let you the way that things must be
There is a kingdom trapped inside, we must release it with our golden key
And then our minds will be clear again
The mass-murdering fear cannot stay, it must go

The last of all the rebels layed down his arms in pebbles, a surrender
So I set my walking shoes on a search to find someone to replace
It’s hard to believe that it’s hip to live in disgrace

Composition © 1990 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on August 6, 1990
Recorded August-September 1990
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Bass Guitar, Ricter Synths, Harmonica, Drums, Vocals, Vocal Effects

Listener Guide

Analysis: One of the best songs written in 1990, this took a very simple riff from an earlier song and expanded around it for the main verses. It also contains a very cool “Ricter” beginning, as well as a harmonica lead which leads to an interesting bridge section.

Please offer your own analysis of It’s Hip To Live In Disgrace by leaving a comment in the box below.

Best Shot

Track 21  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 3:27
Listen to the Song:
It’s a clear and sunny day but I can hardly see
If there is any civilization, any town beyond these trees
The maples and the oaks have gladly shown me the way
But the pines are all pissed off and have nothing to say
The woods are cool but there is nothing new
I don’t think here will be much fun any longer

Maybe yes, maybe not, I’ll still give it my best shot
I’ve got to find a way out of this terrible rut that I am in

Now, it’s a true but funny play and the actors take their bows
Their talent has come natural, when they need it, it’s here now
From the back of an audience a playwrite wonders why
Every time he has ideas, those ideas slowly die
He knows he can do much better than he has seen
But he can’t get his point accross

Maybe yes, maybe not, he still gives it his best shot
Someday, someone will recognize the talent he possesses within him

Now, it’s a blue and strange way that the pessimist works
He needs to feed his ego, he needs to be a jerk
To listen to the small guy, he’ll never understand
How two could do much more than just one ever can
‘Cause all alone he’ll never break the stone
That will drag him down in the end

Maybe yes, maybe not, he must be taught to give his best shot
He has to somehow realize that this idea may just work

Composition © 1990 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on May 27, 1990
Recorded May-June 1990
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Bass Guitar, Drums, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: This may have been my own “best shot” ant writing a single, or popular song. Musically, it is very entertaining but it is sub-par vocally, which has given me an eternal love/hate opinion of this song.

Please offer your own analysis of Best Shot by leaving a comment in the box below.


Track 20  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano & Jim Morrison Song Length: 2:02
Listen to the Song:
Ledger domain, wilderness pain
Sweet swimming fish-hook smile
Keep off the walk, listen to the children talk
I’ve loved you all the while

Earth, air, fire, water, mother, father, sons, and daughters
The politics of ecstacy are real
Can’t you feel them working through you?

The walls scream like a mad machine of poetry, disease and sex
The computer faces of all the men can’t program which muscles to flex

Spraying verbal fire flies, in the east there is a hum of light
An angel runs through the sudden light, Do you know what to do?

Drugs, sex, drunkeness, stand up there and give your best
The dark dreams of conquest
I new act joins my head’s procession
I create my own sword obsession
Cities of clouds, pirates of air

The grand highway is crowded with lovers and searchers and givers
So eager to please and forget the wilderness, wilderness, wilderness

Composition © 1990 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on May 25, 1990
Recorded May-June 1990
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: A simple and entertaining rock song, fueled by a nice crunchy guitar and lyrics made of Jim Morrison’s poetry from the collection of the same name – Wilderness.

Please offer your own analysis of Wilderness by leaving a comment in the box below.


Track 18  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:15
Listen to the Song:
I say three and one and four and eight plus one is seventeen
You say three times four plus five instead just to try and disagree
You say I’m the one who makes you sad by treating you so cold
I say you’re the one that makes me mad by strutting out so bold

But when it seems that everything’s gone
Then I fall back in love with you
If I treat you so cold and you treat me so bold
It would take our two souls to just rise, rise, rise!
But we’d still disagree

I say someone, somewhere has got to change your narrow mind
You say life is fine the way it is, I say you must be blind

But when it seems that everything’s wrong
Somehow we two pull through
If I think that you’re blind, you don’t think I’m too kind
If we’d just change our minds then we’ll go, go, go!
But we’d still disagree

But when it seems that everything’s gone
Then I fall back in love with you
If I treat you so cold, then you’ll treat me so bold
It would take our two souls to just rise, rise, rise and shine
Rise, rise, rise and shine, rise, rise, rise and shine, rise

I say someone, somewhere has got to change your narrow mind
You say life is fine the way it is, I say you must be blind
You say me and you could never be because it’s not your style
I say me and you have got to be because I love your smile

But when it seems every drop of blood in my bones has gone to rest
You give me a smile, against your own style
You take me away from this place until we

Get back to being ourselves and we disagree
Get back to being ourselves and we disagree
Disagree, yeah when we disagree now

Get back to being ourselves and we disagree
Get back to being ourselves and we disagree
Disagree, disagree now

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on October 13, 1989
Recorded October 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: This bass-led song has a strong classic rock vibe with nice movement, changes, and drum rolls. The lyrics are full of riddle-esque wordplay, which makes the song a fun rap.

Please offer your own analysis of Disagree by leaving a comment in the box below.