
Track 11  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 5:09
Listen to the Song:
I wonder who the hell you think you are
You’ve really taken this thing too far this time
You don’t have the looks and you don’t make us dance
For you the pursuit of happiness is a crime

You’re not with the norm, you can’t come along
We want something hip, we don’t want your damn song

No matter how hard we try, we can’t make us sad
You don’t out us down, you just make us look bad
You’re not one us, you don’t even compare
So what gives you the right to breathe in our air?

We’ll bring out your faults to cover our own
We’ll blindfold you and then we’ll cast our stone

‘Cause you can’t trade your visions with me
You can’t face the rain
So I wonder you even try?
You probably should just curl up and die
You can’t be a winner in no ordinary game
So I guess you just must take a dive
There’s no room here for compromise

Working so hard to keep my feet on the ground
The last thing I need is someone like you to put me down
I don’t really mean to get in your way
But if I wasn’t so foward, I’d probably just fade away

Am I really so bad or is that just what you say?
Is it jealousy you have that brings you to act this way?

I’ve really come far, just open your eyes
You may be in for somewhat of a surprise
Yes, you find some faults, so blindly you reap
You’re skimmimg the surface, you’re not reaching in too deep

I don’t ask for much, my needs are small
If you won’t judge fair then don’t judge me at all

You can’t trade your visions with me
You can’t face the rain
So I wonder you even try?
You probably should just curl up and die
You can’t be a winner in no ordinary game
So I guess you just may take a dive
There’s no room here for compromise

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on February 22, 1989
Recorded February-March 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
12-String Acoustic Guitars, Bass, Harmonica, Drums, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: A very moody folk song with desperate vocals and lyrics which speak of frustration, projection, and yes, discouragement. Musically, the mix is a little weak when the bass and drums kick in, but otherwise a pleasant listen.

Please offer your own analysis of Discouragement by leaving a comment in the box below.


Track 10  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:06
Listen to the Song:
It’s 5pm one cloudy, cold Monday
I’ve been nowhere for at least the last three days
They say Friday’s the greatest night for fun
And Saturday’s the one to get things done
By my weekends don’t bring me nothing new
I sit around and think of things to do
Because I’m the lonely man on a quest for truth

And after five hungry days of feeling lost and betrayed
I think I’ll get drunk and blue
That’s what my friends do but that’s not for me too
And in the summer I’ll sweat, maybe find myself some little pet
I’ll take her under my wing but then she’ll heal well
Put me under her spell, and then she’ll be gone

Now when the coldness is gone there’ll be a chance to move on
To a place where nothing is obtained
Nothing lost, nothing gained
So when the cowbells are rung
And when the last song is sung
We’ll march from within the lonely night
For better or worse, I don’t know
But I must move along

It’s 9pm on another lonely day
I’ve been sick as hell for at least the past three days
They say sometimes I’m not the only one
Who does alot but never gets things done
But still sometimes the sky seems lighter blue
It tells me soon I’ll find something that’s new
I’m just a lonely man who thirsts for truth
I’m just a lonely man who thirsts for truth

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on February 13, 1989
Recorded February 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Harpsichord, Keyboards, Bass, Drums, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: A simple, upbeat, riff-driven rocker during the verses gives way to a softer, jazzier chorus and bridge section.

Please offer your own analysis of Loneliness by leaving a comment in the box below.

Dark Side Suite

Track 9  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 8:35
Listen to the Song:

Unfortunately for some, yet profitable for others
There reaps a bitter dark side which roams about and smothers
The souls of our brothers


Northeast in Penn’s land where mountains touch the sky
It’s shadow glooms this man, it feasts on tears he cries
It moves about and grins
It is the face within the bitter taste of sin
With deception, fear, and lies
While most are unaware and hardly even care
They’re just trying to have some fun
They’re the trigger for it’s gun
I guess I shalln’t complain, but it’s hard to bear this pain
On the eve of going insane do I have something to gain?

Yet through these tragic years
With disappointment, sorrow, and tears
I’ve come a long, long way to reach that special day
And if I do survive, I’ll scream and praise “alive”
Although the battle is lost for sure, we can still win the war

Yet through these tragic years
With disappointment, sorrow, and tears
I’ve come a long, long way to reach that special day
And if I do survive, I’ll scream and praise “alive”
Although the battle is lost for sure, we can still win the war

But for right now the sadness glooms
The happiness is gone
And not a soul around me will listen to my song
I guess I shalln’t complain, but it’s hard to bear this pain
On the edge of going insane do I have something to gain

Loneliness haunts my night, questions haunt my day
No answers ever seem right, so much has been thrown away
Discouragement is all I get, no matter what I try to say
Don’t want to hear my words but yet so much can be gained if they
Listen to what I have to say
Give me just a little time of day
Listen to what I say, give me the time of day
Together we can destroy the dark side now!


A stranger a long, long way from home
A life of love replaced by chrome
A finding of your deepest fears
A wasted time in magical years

A massacre of all want, torn up and thrown in a fire
A good intention shot right down to fulfill a cold desire
A loss of love, a loss of hope, a steel cage with iron beams
A storm of such excruciating pain, suffering, and screams
Guess they’re not tears of love

Didn’t want to end up this way
Didn’t want to speak the words I say
Didn’t want to cry alone
Didn’t want to be the dog
That went and bit the poison bone

Didn’t want to be the one left out in the rainy cold
Didn’t want to sit around and pray to God I don’t get old

But this time you’ve gone too far
Need to know just where you are
Know somehow you could hear me
Need to know just what you see
Pray somehow the end is near
End of all these painful tears

But this time you’ve gone too far
Need to know just where you are
Then maybe I’ll have tears of love

Composition © 1989, 2003 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on February 11, 1989
Recorded February-March 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Ricter Synth, Keyboards, Bass, Harmonica, Drums, Vocals
Sinclair Soul

Listener Guide

Analysis: This is the only true multi-song medley in the collection. It consists of the original songs “The Dark Side” and “Tears”, as well as a new intro section which was constructed in 2003. The new minute-plus intro drew samples from several songs which were part of The Dark Side project in Spring 1989 with a doomy, Ricter backing in a loop. This leads to the eerie beginning of “The DarK Side”, which eventually builds to a heavy rock song with frenzied movement and lyrics. After building to a crescendo, this collapses into the mellow and moody “Tears”, with its dreamy guitars and dualing vocals. All told, this is the longest “song” in the collection.

Please offer your own analysis of Dark Side Suite by leaving a comment in the box below.


Track 8  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:39
Listen to the Song:
I’ll try to make this as clear as I can
You don’t know who I am
Believe me, trust me, I’ll show you the way
I just need you to stay

Look beneath the frozen ice
You’ll see the colors you find nice
It must be close to springtime again
Although it seems the winter was so long
We found the way to carry on
Just two more months of biding time, my friend

I strive just as fast as the deer runs from the hunter
But you don’t know who I am
Believe me, trust me, break through that evil screen
You’ll find that gentle stream

Where we’ll pass by when warm air comes
We’ll lay beneath the frozen sun
It must be close to springtime again
And afterall we survived the fall
When flowers die and trees get small
Just two more months of biding time, my friend

So come, my friend, into my wonderland
And find out who I am
Believe me, trust me, you’ll never be denied
On our forest lakeside ride, our ride

Composition © 1989, 1990 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on January 7, 1989
Recorded January 1989 & Spring 1990
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Harpsichord, Keyboards, Electric Guitar, Bass, Drums, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: This is a literal song, written about a literal event which happen just days before its composition, during a very warm January day. The vocals were re-recorded in 1990, while the rest of the song is original from 1989.

Please offer your own analysis of Springtime by leaving a comment in the box below.


Track 7  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 3:33
Listen to the Song:
We’ve come to today through hard work and chains
We lift up our hearts but blood falls like rain
We’ve come through today to horror and pain

And once we had life in the palm of our hands
But we held on too tight and it fell through like sand
Let’s hope that tommorrow we better undestand

Left on the shores of Neverland
Gone too far on the seas to find the land
Hope somehow we’re get our ships back in flight
But for now we’re lost in an eternal night

Hope and pray someday we’ll find out if life somehow has meaning
The way to Heaven requires a bit of dreaming, not only through the ceiling
Someday we’ll find out meaning some way

The road to success is bumpy with rocks
With more than its share of low blows and hard knocks
But you don’t always find happiness at the top

And once we had life in the palm of our hands
But it was taken from us, givin to a better man
He may lose it too if he doesn’t understand

Left on the shores of Neverland
Gone too far on the seas to find the land
Hope somehow we’re get our ships back in flight
But for now we’re lost in an eternal night

Hope and pray someday we’ll find out if life somehow has meaning
The way to Heaven requires a bit of dreaming, not only through the ceiling
Someday we’ll find out meaning some way

Left on the shores of Neverland
Gone too far on the seas to find the land
But somehow we’re get our ships back in flight
But for now we’re lost in an eternal night

Hope and pray someday we’ll find out if life somehow has meaning
The way to Heaven requires a bit of dreaming
Someday we’ll find out if life somehow has meaning
The way to Heaven requires a bit of dreaming, not only through the ceiling
Someday we’ll find out meaning some way

Composition © 1988, 1990 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on December 16, 1988
Recorded December 1988 & Spring 1990
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Harmonica, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: The best song from the early years of 1987-88. A philosophical lyric shared by two “voices”, guides the driving acoustic guitars, which were added in 1990 to the original 1988 all-electric recording, which is laid bare during the odd yet entertaining guitar lead.

Please offer your own analysis of Someday by leaving a comment in the box below.