Another time, another place, geo-era so sincere
The perfect rhyme, the sweetest taste, another summertime is here
And we would go sailing into the ocean
From near and far our sundry clan would congregate upon these shores
And at our heart there was one man who gave us all and so much more
And he would go sailing into the sea
So deep, so dark, yet able to fathom
So many of life’s unpredictable tides
The sailor’s heart helped us navigate her labyrinth
And we’d never run aground with him by our side
He gave us time…
He marked the time with his routines and let us know that we each had
A quite distinguished ardency to heaven’s character he’ll add
Now that he is the current of the sea
Now that he’s gone she will never be the same
Although to her we’ll return to reflect on the bliss
To listen to her tide whisper his unique name
Reassures us someday we will witness
Another time…
Another time, another place, all destinations lead to here
The endless prime, the smoothest pace
The endless summertime, it’s clear
That he is now sailing upon this ocean
Composition © 2006 Sue Kovaleski & Ric Albano
Publication © 2009, 2011 Cygnus Wave Music
Song Info
Composed on March 17, 2006
Recorded starting on October 5, 2007
at Saturation Acres, Danville, PA
Produced by Ric Albano
Engineered by Bret Alexander
Mixed and Mastered in 2009
at Cygnus Wave Studios
Original Release: September 9, 2009
on Imaginary Lines 33
Janet Rains
Lead Vocals
Ric Albano
Keyboards, Bass, Vocals
Erik Trabert
Ron Simasek
Listener Guide
Analysis: Janet Rains takes lead vocals for much of this song, which includes a simple melody and arrangement and a nice outtro guitar, with a unique fading mix.
Song Trivia
“He Was the Ocean” was a poem written by Sue Kovaleski about her grandfather, Paul Heckman. It inspired this song as was its original title.