Get Together

Track 15  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 3:46
Listen to the Song:
These days it is not healthy to feel this way
But the cards are on the table and I have to play
It’s the spirit they enjoyed twenty years ago, I know

If we all get together we can have some fun
If we all get together we’ll bring out the sun
If we all get together we’ll show the world how we’ve done our show

These days it is not wise to let your hair grow long
And noone wants to hear some simple, bluesey song
I really find things these days to be quite a bore

If we all get together we can make our run
If we all get together we can stop the guns
If we all get together we’ll put an end to the war

I’d like to go to Woodstock on some time-warp train
With a half a million pople I’d stand out in the rain
And noone really noticed discomfort or pain at all
It’s groovy when the people can express what they think
Because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
Let’s all get together and we’ll all be standing tall

But these days are in existance and those are gone
So we’ll have to bear with the boring life of Tron
Someday we’ll come of age and again we’ll move on, I know

If we all get together we’ll complete the task
If we all get together we’ll rip off the mask
If we all get together we’ll break off our cast and grow

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on August 20, 1989
Recorded August 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
12-string Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: This is a true hippie song that I wrote after visiting the site of Woodstock on its 20th anniversary. The music cnsists of a 12-string acoustic and a freaked-out, chorus-driven electric, which fell in perfectly withthe theme. The lyrics are quite Utopian and naive and the spirit behind the song was “why is there no celebration on its anniversary?” Little did I know that there would be cncerts honoring the 25th and 30th anniversaries in the next five and ten years.

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Dry Water

Track 14  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 1:32
Listen to the Song:

~ Instrumental ~

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on August 5, 1989
Recorded August 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Bass Guitar, Drums

Listener Guide

Analysis: The first instrumental in the regular collection, this has a cool little riff which fit nicely with the sounds I was forging around that time.

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Blue Flowers and Beige Towers

Track 13  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 5:24
Listen to the Song:
Take your first shot at me but you better make it good
Because if you miss than I get to shoot at you
And if it is impossible to make my bullet meet
Than I’ll be in trouble because you’re shooting back at me
This will go on and on until one of us dies
All over something we thought were harmless lies
I don’t want no bloodshed but I have to do what I have to do
Even if it’s blue flowers and beige towers on the shore

Yes, we’ve met before, my friend, on the plains of Evermore
In the third century or was it maybe the fourth?
Nothing is clear no more except for one thing
Our opinions were different over who should be king
This has gone on and on through space and time
Our business unfinished, we must now make our climb
To the top of the summit hill, just me and you
We’ll fight to the finish over who gets
Blue flowers and beige towers at his door

It is really a shame, something always has to ruin something
He we are with our two super-heroes climbing up on the summit hill
And ready for battle, and some asshole has to come and interrupt it
I don’t think, I say I don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t think
That they should take away our only shot
At blue flowers and beige towers, do you?

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on June 4, 1989
Recorded June-July 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Electric Guitars, Harpsichord, Bass Guitar, Keyboards, Drums, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: One of my favorite songs of the 80’s era. It moves at a frantic pace with cool sound scapes and adventurous lyrics. Unfortunately, some of the song was lost due to tape issues (which are also present during the guitar solos), so the entire thing was shortened by about a minute and a half. Despite these problems, it is the best “sounding” song of the era, especially when it comes to guitars and drums.

Please offer your own analysis of Blue Flowers and Beige Towers by leaving a comment in the box below.

Diamond Ships

Track 12  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:55
Listen to the Song:
On Thursday the battle had begun
We are the fighters to save the sun
We take now bullshit from Venus or Mars
We blow them away with our electric guitars
A couple of light years ago we were hot
We zapped the x-men and left them to rot
We had some trouble on the asteroid belt
We had to pull back before we would melt

We are the rebels on diamond ships

We landed slowly on Earth’s green ground
Without a warning of might would be found
There was anarchy, depression, and rape
Brother versus brother over trivial bait
And so we scooted back down the road until we found our landing spot
And we got in our diamond ships and set a permanent course for home

It is a journey getting back home to Troy
A five year mission to defend or destroy
No drops of honey ever rain from the stars
We get what we take, never too near of too far

On our diamond ships where forever we must roam

This is Captain Freebird
The enemy x-men have tried to invade our land
Get ready to commence operations
Fire when ready! Fire when ready!

By Tuesday the battle was won
Our fearless fighters have defended the sun
We left the x-men on Venus and Mars
With nothing to protect them but electric guitars

We are the rebels on diamond ships of gold
No we can never be sold, no no no never be sold

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on May 24, 1989
Recorded May 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Synths, Electric Guitars, Drums, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: This was a total left turn musically, as a borrowed a Roland synthesizer from a friend for one night and in that one night recorded the music of four full songs, of which only this made the regular collection. You can tell I went a bit over-the-top with sound effects and such with this new toy and the lyrics were kind of juvenille with the intent of matching the “space age” feel of the synths.

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Track 11  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 5:09
Listen to the Song:
I wonder who the hell you think you are
You’ve really taken this thing too far this time
You don’t have the looks and you don’t make us dance
For you the pursuit of happiness is a crime

You’re not with the norm, you can’t come along
We want something hip, we don’t want your damn song

No matter how hard we try, we can’t make us sad
You don’t out us down, you just make us look bad
You’re not one us, you don’t even compare
So what gives you the right to breathe in our air?

We’ll bring out your faults to cover our own
We’ll blindfold you and then we’ll cast our stone

‘Cause you can’t trade your visions with me
You can’t face the rain
So I wonder you even try?
You probably should just curl up and die
You can’t be a winner in no ordinary game
So I guess you just must take a dive
There’s no room here for compromise

Working so hard to keep my feet on the ground
The last thing I need is someone like you to put me down
I don’t really mean to get in your way
But if I wasn’t so foward, I’d probably just fade away

Am I really so bad or is that just what you say?
Is it jealousy you have that brings you to act this way?

I’ve really come far, just open your eyes
You may be in for somewhat of a surprise
Yes, you find some faults, so blindly you reap
You’re skimmimg the surface, you’re not reaching in too deep

I don’t ask for much, my needs are small
If you won’t judge fair then don’t judge me at all

You can’t trade your visions with me
You can’t face the rain
So I wonder you even try?
You probably should just curl up and die
You can’t be a winner in no ordinary game
So I guess you just may take a dive
There’s no room here for compromise

Composition © 1989 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on February 22, 1989
Recorded February-March 1989
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
12-String Acoustic Guitars, Bass, Harmonica, Drums, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: A very moody folk song with desperate vocals and lyrics which speak of frustration, projection, and yes, discouragement. Musically, the mix is a little weak when the bass and drums kick in, but otherwise a pleasant listen.

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