
Bonus Track By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 3:41
Listen to the Song:
In the eyes of the night lies the witches brew for sight
With their magic brooms and Venus schrooms
In the heart of the day, they try to lock it away
With their golden keys on golden trees
Like a dog without a home, they never settle always roam
With their dreadful gloom, in a sonic boom
They run!

Now I still remember when she was thirteen, I was ten
She was beautiful as one can be
Now I may not tell a lie, but I swear that with her cry
That she cast her spell on me
Although I’ll always love her so, I still tried to let her go
But she’ll take my hand now, she’s always with me
And we run!

Beautiful as one can be
Don’t tell me nothing, don’t tell me nothing, no
Don’t want to hear no more, don’t want to hear no more, no

In the eyes of the night lies the witches brew for sight
With their magic brooms and Venus schrooms
In the heart of the day, they try to lock it away
With their golden keys on golden trees
Like a dog without a home, they never settle always roam
With their dreadful gloom, in a sonic boom
They run!

Beautiful as one can be
Now I may not tell a lie, but I swear that with her cry
That she cast her spell on me
Although I’ll always love her so, I still tried to let her go
But by the powers of Neverland, she’ll take my hand
And we’ll run!

Beautiful as one can be
Don’t want to hear no more, don’t want to hear no more, no
Don’t want to hear no more, don’t want to hear no more, no

Composition © 1987, 1988, 2003 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on September 9, 1987
Recorded October 1988
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 and Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Harpsichord, Keyboards, Percussion, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: Of the nearly 100 songs I wrote in 1987, this has always been one of my favorites. Recording here is a bit raw with some percussive effects added during the original remix in 2003 and some editing which kind of jumbles the vocals at one point.

Please offer your own analysis of Witches by leaving a comment in the box below.

Kill The Monster!

Bonus Track By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 3:47
Listen to the Song:
And the flag’s against 48 Bobby Humphrey
Do you remember when I used to do your homework? Yes
That’s not the real worry now
Now we have to worry about Kevin
Shev jye rit operba shiva gahwrayy
Oot nevers shebba rebba why yi yiyiyyiyi
It’s lonely at the top op
Drip drip zhrip zhrip bip bip
The new General now rallied the rebel troops to counter attack
Fire! Fire! Fire!

Composition © 1988 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on October 31, 1988
Recorded October-November 1988
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Ricter, Keyboards, Electric Guitars, Effects, Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: A weird attempt at Pink Floyd-like pyschedelic music. Just interesting enough to be added as a bonus track.

Please offer your own analysis of Kill The Monster! by leaving a comment in the box below.

7 to 8 Then Back to 6 Again

Bonus Track by   Wahray and Soul   1988

Written by Ric Albano
Song Length: 2:23

Listen to the Song:

29th of June 1976, saw a train car
It’s only purpose was to fix
Then after all those cold winter days
Couldn’t cross the bridge but will return another day

Poles on slides, long sleigh rides, snakes in grass kickin’ ass
Along the way everday
In the woods run by hoods, in the lands of the man
Skateboarding slowly away

Composition © 1988 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info

Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on May 14, 1988
Recorded May 1988 at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011 at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Ricter, Keyboards, Electric Guitar, Vocals

Analysis: The only song that is less than semi-professional in recording method, done prior to the Fostex era. It is offered here as an example of the primitive techniques used in the first year of the project.

Please offer your own analysis of 7 to 8 Then Back to 6 Again by leaving a comment in the box below.

Take It As It Comes

Track 39  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:57
Listen to the Song:
I live for you, so many hours I’d wait for you
And I cried for you, there’s nothing more that I can do
Sooner or later it passes bye, you could only hope you gave a good try
But I need to know which direction that I should go
In all those instances when it seems
As though reality fits the dream

And oh, the best that can be done is take it as it comes

I’ll wait for you, though many times I will play the fool
What can I do, hold on for another day or two?
Sooner or later it wears you down, with not a single bit of hope around
It’s hard to believe that you’re above someone who can deceive
Sooner or I’ll have to make the tough decision to give or take

But, oh it is so cold
When you are all alone and you are growing old
And you ain’t got nothin’ but your naked soul
And oh, stick to your guns and take it as it comes

Take it as it comes, don’t you worry things will even ut over time
The world could seem so scary but you’ve got to keep alert for the signs
Take it as it comes, don’t be frightened, I promise it will be alright
Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries
But if you make the most of it, everything will be alright

Sooner or later dreams come true, I tell you that it’s really up to you

But, oh it is so cold
When you are all alone and you are growing old
And you ain’t got nothin’ but your naked soul
And oh, stick to your guns and take it as it comes

Composition © 1995 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on July 7, 1995
Recorded July 1995
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Piano, Keyboards, Acoustic Guitar, Bass, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: The final song in the collection brings back a little warmth with the acoustic guitar, but otherwise is all electronic and sequenced like most of the 1995 songs. It was original written as a lead-off song, but works just as well as a closer.

Please offer your own analysis of Take It As It Comes by leaving a comment in the box below.

The French Toast Affair

Track 38  On  The Evolution of Noise  By  Wahray and Soul

Written by Ric Albano Song Length: 4:28
Listen to the Song:
I want to tell you about something
That happened to me not that long ago
It was about a girl from a different world, all decked out in indigo
And hen the rain would fall upon her face she was almost beautiful
You could see her coming from a mile away, man she had such a glow
That’s the way the whole affair began

There was magic in her touch but there were lies upon her tongue
And every time that I would to climb her ladder
She would hacksaw off the bottom rung
But, boy what a ride she gave for a quarter spent and a penny saved
She rang my bells from dusk ’til dawn
She was a master in search of a slave
Her enemies were quick to point that out
So I put on my shield and armour and gave a loud war shout

You want it, you got it, come get it right now
You need it, then seal it, don’t steal it right now
You like it, then try it, I dare you to right now
You want it, you got it, come see it right now

But I don’t like it when it rains out
Time has changed alot of things with her and finally with me
A feel like I’m a brand new cat and her a crumby, evicted flea
That’s the way I feel about things now

Now I’m a new man, do the best that I can
The whole thing makes me sick sometimes
And sometimes makes me laugh
I’ll chart my course out towards the sea on a leaky, shakey raft
That’s the attitude I have right now
I’ve got a brand new pair of shoes
And I need to walk on different ground

You want it, you got it, come get it right now
You feel it, conceal it, come steal it right now
You like it, then try it, I dare you right now
You want it, you got it, come see it right now

The romance starts off light then gets heavier and heavier
And we feel it, and on and on it goes, do hear me, right now

You want it, you got it, come get it right now
You like it, then try it, I dare you right now
You feel it, conceal it, come steal it right now
You want it, you got it, come see it right now
Right now! Right now! Right now! Right now!

Composition © 1995 Ric Albano
Publication © 2011 Cygnus Wave Music

Song Info
Produced & Engineered by Ric Albano
Composed on June 24, 1995
Recorded June-July 1995
at Rathole Studios, Hazleton, PA
Mixed in 2003 & Mastered in 2011
at Cygnus Wave Studios

Ric Albano
Piano, Keyboards, Bass, All Vocals

Listener Guide

Analysis: This is a really cool and fun song, stepping out of the more serious tone and desperate romanticism of the last era of Wahray and Soul.

Please offer your own analysis of The French Toast Affair by leaving a comment in the box below.